Post by John I Quebedeaux JrDavid,
We have been using vic via HDMI inputs with two Intensity Pro cards in one linux machine
without issue. (We have used up to four of those cards in one machine with UltraGrid).
Gurcharan S. Khanna, Ph.D.
Director of Research Computing
Office of the Vice President for Research
Assistant Research Professor, GCCIS Ph.D. Program
Director, Interactive Collaboration Laboratory
Rochester Institute of Technology
One Memorial Drive
Rochester, New York 14623-5603
Phone: 585-475-7504 ~ Cell: 585-451-8370 Map:
Post by David AllinghamHi everyone,
does anyone have experience using one of the Blackmagic 4-head SDI capture cards (for cameras) with Access Grid? With Linux or Windows 7? We are considering these after our HDMI option turned out to be a non-starter...
Comments like "they are easy to install and work well" would be welcome!
Thanks :)
David Allingham
Research Technical Officer
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Tel.: (02) 492 16531
Fax: (02) 492 16898
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Gurcharan S. Khanna, Ph.D.
Director of Research Computing
Office of the Vice President for Research
Assistant Research Professor, GCCIS Ph.D. Program
Director, Interactive Collaboration Laboratory
Rochester Institute of Technology
Phone: 585-475-7504 ~ Cell: 585-451-8370
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