[AG-TECH] FW: Access Grid use from behind a NAT firewall on private address.
Neil Wood
2013-05-14 23:55:41 UTC
I am having difficulty in running Access Grid from behind a Firewall on a Private IP Address.
The PC works fine on a public address from behind the same firewall, but as soon as I put the PC on a 10.x.x.x IP Address
I can no longer see other nodes in both RAT and VIC, I can see my own there by nothing else.

I have checked the firewall network activity and while on the Public address can see at the firewall traffic coming back from the bridge in to the address.
But while on the public address there is no return traffic from the bridge (APAG for both tests) to the firewall even, so nothing.
It does not seem to matter if I put in Proxy settings in Access Grid same issue.
It is as if the bridge isn't even trying to return traffic to the private address at all.

Can anyone please advise on how the Access Grid protocols work for setting up a session, we are only using unicast here.

Our network guys comments below.
David Allingham
2013-05-15 00:29:35 UTC
Hi Neil,
the way we do this at Newcastle is to run a unicast bridge server on a public addressed machine, and point the internal machines at that. However, this really only works due to an artefact of our network set-up, in that one of our internal networks (10.1.x.x, say) is "closer" to the public machines that others (10.2.x.x, say), so we move any PC that needs to reach the bridge to the 10.1.x.x network.

I guess that the proper way to do it is as your network people say, and open ports 50000-52000 on a per-machine basis; this could probably be done for a single machine that was running a bridge server, and the data thus distributed internally. Maybe :)

I am having difficulty in running Access Grid from behind a Firewall on a Private IP Address.
The PC works fine on a public address from behind the same firewall, but as soon as I put the PC on a 10.x.x.x IP Address
I can no longer see other nodes in both RAT and VIC, I can see my own there by nothing else.

I have checked the firewall network activity and while on the Public address can see at the firewall traffic coming back from the bridge in to the address.
But while on the public address there is no return traffic from the bridge (APAG for both tests) to the firewall even, so nothing.
It does not seem to matter if I put in Proxy settings in Access Grid same issue.
It is as if the bridge isn't even trying to return traffic to the private address at all.

Can anyone please advise on how the Access Grid protocols work for setting up a session, we are only using unicast here.

Our network guys comments below.