Todd Zimmerman
2013-01-24 21:16:42 UTC
Hey All,
Unfortunately, within WestGrid and ComputeCanada we have decided to move
away from support of AccessGrid as a collaboration technology. Given our
limited resources, the lack of development on the AG platform, and the
alternative technologies that we have available, we are no longer
actively supporting AccessGrid.
As some of you are aware, when Argonne dropped support for AG, the
community needed a place to temporarily host the AccessGrid website. At
that time, WestGrid stepped up to provide this service on a temporary
basis until a new permanent location/website could be arranged.
Unfortunately, given our decision to move away from AccessGrid and the
fact that the server infrastructure currently hosting the website is
reaching end of life, we will no longer be able to provide this service
and host this website.
So, I'm throwing this out to the greater community (and a great
community it is ;-)) to see what options are available. Ultimately, the
website should be redesigned/recreated. As an alternative, we could
just backup/transfer the website to a different host.
I am planning on decommissioning this server within 4 months (if it
makes it that long), so we will need to come up with a solution prior to
then. On a side note, as part of this decommissioning, the WestGrid
bridge will no longer be available either.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
Unfortunately, within WestGrid and ComputeCanada we have decided to move
away from support of AccessGrid as a collaboration technology. Given our
limited resources, the lack of development on the AG platform, and the
alternative technologies that we have available, we are no longer
actively supporting AccessGrid.
As some of you are aware, when Argonne dropped support for AG, the
community needed a place to temporarily host the AccessGrid website. At
that time, WestGrid stepped up to provide this service on a temporary
basis until a new permanent location/website could be arranged.
Unfortunately, given our decision to move away from AccessGrid and the
fact that the server infrastructure currently hosting the website is
reaching end of life, we will no longer be able to provide this service
and host this website.
So, I'm throwing this out to the greater community (and a great
community it is ;-)) to see what options are available. Ultimately, the
website should be redesigned/recreated. As an alternative, we could
just backup/transfer the website to a different host.
I am planning on decommissioning this server within 4 months (if it
makes it that long), so we will need to come up with a solution prior to
then. On a side note, as part of this decommissioning, the WestGrid
bridge will no longer be available either.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?